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 Find Your Inner Peace In Minutes: Use This Life-Changing Breathwork Practice

February 22, 20244 min read

"Thoughts of “not having time to die now” kept going through my head. I couldn’t breathe - and I couldn’t understand what was happening to me."

 Find Your Inner Peace In Minutes: Use This Life-Changing Breathwork Practice

Do you ever feel like you're constantly running on empty, searching for just a sliver of peace in your day?

We all have days when we feel like the world is closing in on us and would give anything for a moment of calm in the chaos. 

I can remember feeling overwhelmed by life as early as sixth grade. And without tools to deal with this stress, I started to have anxiety attacks by the time I reached high school. 

I was so weighed down by the heavy number of classes and extracurricular activities I had to take to battle for the limited number of college scholarships available in my area, that I forgot how to slow down.

The first anxiety attack I had was in tenth grade at a high school football game. I had so much homework to do in my college prep courses, had over committed to several clubs and organizations so that I could get letters of recommendation for my college applications, and had neglected to sleep the way I should. 

As a member of the color guard (one of those many activities I mentioned), I would perform at halftime with the band, and then could use the rest of the time to study or do other things until I was needed again. Here I was, a teenager, calculating out my time to understand how I could maximize it. 

But this night in particular, marching off of the field, I didn’t make it to my homework. Instead, my heart started to beat incredibly fast and everything felt like it was closing in on me. Thoughts of “not having time to die now” kept going through my head. I couldn’t breathe - and I couldn’t understand what was happening to me. 

I made it to the sidelines when my friend noticed what was happening and took me directly over to the EMT. After fifteen minutes of questions, investigation and monitoring, I was diagnosed with my first of what would end up being many anxiety attacks.

Looking back now, I am convinced that if I had known and used the life-changing breathwork that I’m about to walk you through that night, I would have avoided this and all of my other anxiety attacks. It may have also given me the clarity to make a few different choices and the calm to see life a little differently.


This amazing breathwork practice is called Anulom Vilom, or alternate nostril breathing. 

I learned this practice while studying yoga and ayurveda in India and it has been my go-to when life feels out of balance or chaotic. 

This ancient yogic technique involves alternating the flow of breath between the left and right nostrils, harmonizing the subtle energy channels of the body and promoting balance from within. 

Specific benefits include:

  • Infusing the body with oxygen for enhanced performance

  • Clearing and releasing toxins from your system

  • Reducing stress and anxiousness

  • Calming and recalibrating your nervous system

  • Balancing your hormones

  • Clearing your respiratory system

  • Balancing the hemispheres of the brain

  • Fostering mental clarity

  • Enhancing your ability to concentrate

With as little as two minutes of practice, alternate nostril breathing can have a significant impact. Give it five minutes and you’ll feel amazing!


  1. Find a comfortable seated position and relax your shoulders and jaw.

  2. Block your right nostril with your right thumb and inhale deeply through your left nostril to a count of 4.

  3. After inhaling, use your ring finger (or pointer finger) to block your left nostril, holding both nostrils closed and retaining your breath for a count of 6.

  4. Release your right nostril while keeping your left nostril blocked,  exhale slowly and completely out of your right nostril for a count of 8.

  5. Keeping your left nostril blocked, inhale through your right nostril to a count of 4.

  6. After inhaling, block your right nostril with your thumb, holding both nostrils closed and retaining your breath for a count of 6.

  7. Release your left nostril while keeping your right nostril blocked, exhale slowly and completely out of your left nostril for a count of 8.

  8. Repeat this flow, switching from right to left nostril and retaining the breath between for a total of 5 minutes.

This technique has been a lifesaver for me on more than one occasion, especially when life has pushed me to my max. I’m eager to hear how it goes for you.

Take two minutes right now…or more…and see what alternate nostril breathing can do for you. It’s free, easy and feels ooohhhh so nice.

After you do, drop me a line on social media or sign up for our transformative community, My New Life Launchpad, and chat with me directly.

I can’t wait to hear from you.

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Amber Mikesell

Amber Mikesell is a leader in the field of human transformation, receiving international recognition as a Master Life Coach & Integrative Health Coach. Along with her private practice, she is the founder of Suivera, a nonprofit multi-faith organization whose mission is to create a global movement of love. As a coach and educator, Amber has traveled the world and supported over one million individuals and organizations in more than 80 countries.

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